Every year, Canadians who don't understand taxation end up paying more than their fair share. But you don't have to, here's how:
28 juillet 2015
Every year, Canadians who don't understand taxation end up paying more than their fair share. But you don't have to, here's how:
Some forms of income are taxed differently from province to province. That's why it's a good idea to hold GICs and other interest-bearing investments in your RRSPs or RRIFs, where they're sheltered from tax.
A capital gain is realized when an asset is sold and the proceeds of the sale (less any selling expenses) are greater than the asset's adjusted cost base. Such a gain will trigger taxes.
The federal government's Canada Child Tax Benefit provides an excellent opportunity for income-splitting.
Many Canadians aren't fully aware of how the Canadian tax system works, and that can result in less money for you. But with these simple tricks, you can figure out how much tax you should be paying and may even save some of your money for yourself.
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