That caffeine buzz may make you feel more productive, but is it really doing the job? The fuel, or food, put into the engine of the brain directly affects productivity. Here are some of the foods that work to improve productivity.
3 novembre 2015
That caffeine buzz may make you feel more productive, but is it really doing the job? The fuel, or food, put into the engine of the brain directly affects productivity. Here are some of the foods that work to improve productivity.
The basic fuel for the brain is glucose, and the slow release of glucose into the blood stream keeps attention, concentration, memory and stamina at constant levels. Slow release is the key.
The best foods for productivity are natural foods that are high in complex carbohydrates or protein and low in processed sugars.
Fuelling at regular times is the best way to keep a steady stream of glucose entering the blood to keep productivity constant.
If you can find 10 minutes in your work day for exercise, you will increase your productivity substantially.
Productivity is the measure of efficiency, or how well we get tasks done. A productive brain is organized, remembers well, is calm and can stay for extended periods. Help yourself out by fueling your body with the right stuff.
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