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Natural skincare treatments to try at home

23 juin 2015

Since every skin type has its own unique needs, it can be difficult and expensive to determine which skincare products work for you. If you have oily or dry skin, give these natural remedies a try for a simpler solution.

Natural skincare treatments to try at home

Pampering your skin at home

Deciding whether to use natural products instead of synthetic ones comes down to two questions: Since your skin absorbs substances, why put unnecessary chemicals on it? And why waste money on expensive packaging and ingredients when you can make something just as effective yourself?

Here's how to give yourself a home spa treatment for a fraction of the cost you'd pay in a salon.

  • For a nourishing face mask, mash the flesh of one avocado with 5–10 millilitres (1–2 teaspoons) of honey and enough fine oatmeal to make a workable paste. Massage it into your face and throat – avoiding your eye area and lips – and leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.
  • To make a mild astringent and refreshing skin toner, pour 200 millilitres (about 1 cup) of boiling water over 10–15 millilitres (2–3 teaspoons) of green tea leaves. Steep for about 5–10 minutes, then strain. Store the tea in the fridge in a plastic pump-spray bottle.
  • Smooth about 15–30 millilitres (1–2 tablespoons) of mayonnaise over clean, dry skin – avoiding the eye area and lips – and lie down for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry. The vegetable oils and egg protein make this treatment particularly suitable for older skin types.
  • To help slough off dull, dead skin cells and revitalize your skin, crush 5–6 ripe, hulled strawberries. Mix with enough fine oatmeal or cornflour to make a paste and then spread over clean, dry skin, avoiding the eye area and lips. Leave on for about 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water and pat dry.

Caring for oily skin

Oily skin may be the result of a high-fat diet, over-stimulation of the sebaceous glands as a result of heat, or hormonal imbalances. Here are some natural ways to combat oily skin.

  • Eat more raw vegetables and fruit and take B-group vitamins.
  • Use mildly astringent and toning skincare products with ingredients such as lavender and witch hazel.
  • Use toners or fresheners that do not contain alcohol. Stripping the skin of its natural oil (sebum) will only cause it to produce more.
  • If you also have pimples, use herbs with mildly antibacterial and antiseptic properties, such as calendula, in skin washes and masks.
  • To help re-balance oily skin, use these ingredients in skin treatments: cucumber (soothing, toning; helps bleach freckles), lemon (mild bleach, disinfectant with antiseptic properties) and tomato (soothes inflamed skin, re-balances skin acidity).

Taking good care of your skin doesn't mean you have to use expensive commercial skincare products or visit a spa. With a few natural products and inexpensive food items, you can achieve healthy, glowing skin at home for a fraction of the price.

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