Keeping track of receipts and other paperwork can be a headache, but it's worth the effort if you need to return something or contact the manufacturer. Here are some filing ideas.
27 juillet 2015
Keeping track of receipts and other paperwork can be a headache, but it's worth the effort if you need to return something or contact the manufacturer. Here are some filing ideas.
Check receipts when you buy an expensive item; make sure the receipt clearly states what it is, when, it was brought and where. Write on the receipt any information that isn't clear, for future reference. Staple warranties and guarantees to the receipts.
You can buy an accordion file at an office supply store. Place the file in a convenient location, such as your desk or in the kitchen, then set about labelling the tabs inside.
At the end of each calendar year, look through the entire file and discard what you can.
Freezer bags make ideal containers for miscellaneous items like zip drives, manuals and warranties related to computers because they're see-through and dust-proof. Be sure to label them clearly.
Despite this being the computer age, paper is still king, and difficult to organize. But with a few handy items, and some regular upkeep, you can keep all your important papers on-hand and nearby.
Récupérez facilement ses coordonnées depuis n'importe quel appareil