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What every parent should know when their child has ADHD

14 novembre 2014

Although parents of ADHD-diagnosed children often understand the condition better than most people, they may still not be aware of these key facts.

What every parent should know when their child has ADHD

ADHD comorbidity

Comorbidity is defined as having two illnesses or disorders simultaneously. Unfortunately, there are conditions that often come hand-in-hand with ADHD in children. Anxiety and depression are commonly found in those suffering from ADHD. In fact, between 20 and 30 per cent of patients with the disorder also suffer from depression.

It's important to realize that these disorders aren't simply temporary. Comorbidity rates in both children and adults are similar, so it's crucial for a parent to be able to recognize the signs of other potential mood disorders and act on them quickly.

Difficulty diagnosing

Parents whose children are suffering from ADHD may unfortunately not know what's going on with their child for quite some time. Unlike issues such as strep throat or broken bones, there is no laboratory test that can diagnose a child with ADHD.

In fact, an ADHD diagnosis usually only comes after a doctor has observed a child's behaviour and ruled out other potential disorders. This can be an arduous process, but in the end, answers will arise.

ADHD is common

Far too many parents believe that it was something they did that led to their child's problems, such as not taking care of themselves during pregnancy or allowing their child too much leeway. The simple fact of the matter, however, is that there's no tell-tale cause of ADHD.

ADHD is also not an uncommon disorder. In fact, it's the most common behaviour disorder experienced by school-aged children, with around 10 percent of children suffering from it.

Organization is key

Every parent whose child has been diagnosed with ADHD only wants to help their little one. Fortunately, they can achieve this by helping the child with organization. It's imperative for a child with ADHD to have a daily routine and to stick with it. Additionally, helping a child keep things organized, such as their bedroom or backpack, can help as well. Even providing written instructions and giving reminders about certain tasks can go a long way in helping a child overcome the challenges of the disorder.

ADHD is a difficult condition to live with, and parents who have to see their children deal with it can become disheartened. Fortunately, ADHD doesn't have to stop a child from being successful. With the right support and understanding, a child with ADHD can go on to have a happy, productive and fulfilling life.

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