The Unicorn Superpub est un établissement accueillant. L'accès est aisé par transport en commun, ainsi que par vélo. Ils sont installés à proximité d'autre marchands et parcs.
In 2014, Calgarians were devastated when well-loved pub The Unicorn was forced to close its doors after 35 years in a heritage building on Stephen Avenue. But in 2016, the iconic venue was given new life as The Unicorn Superpub – a multi-level destination offering three different concepts in the former home of The Libertine and Below Deck.
“It’s a Calgary brand,” says part owner Wendy Irvine. “When the old Unicorn closed, I saw grown men cry. That was their go-to, where they went whenever work was overwhelming or if life was overwhelming. They would come back here time and time again, to see those familiar faces.”
The new, large space allowed the owners to develop a brand-new concept for the pub, featuring three floors served by two kitchens. While crossover items can be found on each menu, customers can expect to enjoy a completely different experience on each level of the bar.